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Managing and Retrieving Resource Information Via OSLC Architecture Management

Using the OSLC Architecture Management 2.0 implementation in Enterprise Architect, you can retrieve a wealth of information on Packages, elements and diagrams as model resources.

Resource Information

This information on Resources can be retrieved:



See also


  • Properties
  • Requirements
  • Constraints
  • Scenarios
  • Files
  • Discussions and Replies
  • Tagged Values
  • Tests
  • Resource Allocation
  • Changes
  • Defects
  • Issues
  • Tasks
  • Events
  • Decisions
  • Documents
  • Features
  • Efforts
  • Risks
  • Metrics
  • Connectors
Requirements Constraints Scenarios Model Discussions Tagged Values Create Test Records Resource Allocation Create Maintenance Items Effort Management Risk Management Metrics Properties Window and Dialog for Connectors Associated Files General Settings


Includes all the information that can be retrieved for a Package (as listed in the Package row), plus:

  • Run State
  • Attributes and attribute Tagged Values
  • Operations and operation Tagged Values
  • Operation Parameters
Run-time State Define Parameters Attribute Tagged Values Operation Tagged Values Operations


  • Properties
  • Diagram Image (Base64 encoded PNG file as a BLOB)
  • Discussions and Replies
Diagram Properties - General UML Diagrams

Managing Resources

With the OSLC Architecture Management 2.0 implementation in Enterprise Architect, it is possible to create and update these Resources and Resource Features:

  • Package
         -  Discussions and Replies
         -  Tagged Values
         -  Tests
         -  Resource Allocations
         -  Maintenance Items (Changes, Defects, Issues, Tasks, Documents, Features)
         -  Project Management Items (Efforts, Risks, Events, Decisions, Metrics)
  • Element
         -  Attributes
         -  Operations
         -  Operation Parameters
         -  Discussions and Replies
         -  Tagged Values
         -  Tests
         -  Resource Allocations
         -  Maintenance Items (Changes, Defects, Issues, Tasks, Documents, Features)
         -  Project Management Items (Events, Decisions, Efforts, Risks, Metrics)
  • Connectors

Deleting Resources

With the OSLC Architecture Management 2.0 implementation in Enterprise Architect, it is possible to delete these Resources and Resource Features:

  • Resources and Resource Features that can be created and updated (as specified in the earlier Managing Resources section)
  • Attribute Tagged Values
  • Operation Tagged Values


  • This facility is available through the Pro Cloud Server, with a valid license
  • When a Resource or Resource Feature is created, updated or deleted via OSLC in a model that has Auditing enabled, the changes made to the model will not be logged