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无需手动执行此配置,并且每次启动Enterprise Architect并且已将不同的技术设置为活动时都可能必须为您的技术更改设置,您可以在您的技术的MDG 技术选择 (MTS) 文件中定义配置设置.


在您在工作中使用的任何文件浏览器中找到并打开 .MTS 文件。您按照这两个库表中的指示编辑文件,然后保存文件。

White List

To specify a set of rules as a white-list (that is, anything added to this list is turned ON), open your MTS file in a text editor and copy and paste this <ModelValidation> block at the top level inside the <MDG.Selections> block:


          <RuleSet name="BPMNRules"/> <!-- ruleset ID defined in the Project.DefineRuleCategory call -->

          <RuleSet name="MVR7F0001"/> <!-- notice you can turn on/off system rules as well! -->


Ensure that the ruleset IDs do not contain any spaces.

Black List

To specify a set of rules as a black-list (that is, anything added to this list is turned OFF), open your MTS file in a text editor and copy and paste this <ModelValidation> block at the top level inside the <MDG.Selections> block:

     <ModelValidation isBlackList="true">

          <RuleSet name="BPMNRules"/>

          <RuleSet name="MVR7F0001"/>


In this example, "BPMNRules" is the rule-set ID defined in the Project.DefineRuleCategory call - see Project Class for details. "MVR7F0001" is a built-in rule-set. These validation options are applied when you activate the appropriate technology. The global (default) technology has all rules turned on.
