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Example Script

!INC Local Scripts.EAConstants-JScript
* Script Name:           CodeMiner API Test
* Author:                    Sparx Systems
* Purpose:                 Exercise all of the functions available within the Code Miner API
* Date:                       May 2024
var q1 = "{\
function PrintFacetInfo(indent, facet, k)
          indent = indent + "    ";
          // print out the Name/Value data pair, for the specified CMFacet object
          Session.Output(indent + "---  Facet " + k + " Info  ---");
          Session.Output(indent + "Facet name: " + facet.GetName() );
          Session.Output(indent + "Facet value: " + facet.GetValue() );
          Session.Output("   ");
function PrintDataNode(indent, dataNode, n, level)
           indent = indent + "=   ";
//       print out the details for the specified CMDataNode object.
           Session.Output("  ");
           Session.Output(indent + " DataNode " + level + " - " + n + "  ----------");
           Session.Output(indent + "DataNode name: " + dataNode.GetName() );
           Session.Output(indent + "Line: " + dataNode.GetLine() );
           Session.Output(indent + "Column: " + dataNode.GetColumn() );
           Session.Output(indent + "- - - - - - -");
           Session.Output(indent + "Facet count: " + dataNode.GetFacetCount() );
//        iterate through the array of CMFacet objects and print out their contents
           var facet as EA.CMFacet;
           var facetCount;
           facetCount = dataNode.GetFacetCount();
           var k;
           for(k=0; k < facetCount; k++)
                           facet = dataNode.GetFacet(k);
                          PrintFacetInfo(indent, facet, k+1);
//         iterate through the array of CMDataNode child objects and print out their contents
             var nextLevel = level + 1;
             Session.Output("   ");
             Session.Output(indent + "Level " + nextLevel + " DataNode count: " + dataNode.GetChildCount() );
             var childDataNodeCount;
             childDataNodeCount = dataNode.GetChildCount();
             var l;
             for(l=0; l < childDataNodeCount; l++)
                               childDataNode = dataNode.GetChildNode(l);
                               PrintDataNode(indent, childDataNode, l+1, level);
              Session.Output(indent + "---------------------");
function PrintResultSetElement(indent, resultset, i)
//          print out the details of the specified result set element
              indent = indent + "    ";
              var elementNumber = i + 1;
              Session.Output(indent + "ResultSet - Element(" + elementNumber + ")");
              Session.Output(indent + "-------------------------");
              Session.Output(indent + "  Filename : " + resultset.GetFilename(i) );
              Session.Output(indent + "  Address : " + resultset.GetAddress(i) );
              Session.Output(indent + "  Position : " + resultset.GetPosition(i) );
              Session.Output(indent + "  Start : " + resultset.GetPositionStart(i) );
              Session.Output(indent + "  End : " + resultset.GetPositionEnd(i) );
              Session.Output(indent + "  Top Level DataNode count: " + resultset.GetChildCount()
              var childCount;
              childCount = resultset.GetChildCount();
              var level = 0;
              var dataNode as EA.CMDataNode;
              var j;
              for(j=0; j < childCount; j++)
                               dataNode = resultset.GetChildNode(0);
                               PrintDataNode(indent, dataNode, j+1, level);
                                Session.Output(indent + "---------------------");
function main()
              var minerService as EA.CMService;
              minerService = Repository.CodeMinerService;
//         Connect to a Code Miner database
              if( minerService.CMLoadDatabase("C:\\CodeMiner Example\\Project1.cdb") )
                   var resultset as EA.CMDataSet;
//              Execute a query against the Code Miner database
                   Session.Output("Query: " + q1);
                   resultset = minerService.ExecuteMFQL(q1);
                   Session.Output("Results Count: " + resultset.Count);
                   Session.Output("Child count : " + resultset.GetChildCount() );
                   var indent;
                   indent = "  ";
//               Iterate through the result set, printing out the details of each 'match' returned by the query.
                   var i;
                   for(i=0; i < resultset.Count; i++)
                                       PrintResultSetElement(indent, resultset, i);

                   /* Out of Range Test */
                   var x = resultset.GetFilename(8);
                   Session.Output(indent + "Node Filename: " + x );
                   Session.Output(indent + "Failed to Open Database: " + minerService.GetLastError() );
