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PREFIX Parameter

Clients can use the oslc.prefix parameter to specify URI prefixes as used in OSLC property names. This parameter is appended to the base URI of the 'Selective Properties' of a Requirement:
The syntax for the oslc.prefix parameter (defined in BNF grammar and as specified in the OSLC Core Specification) is:
The syntax for the oslc.prefix parameter

Example Queries

These example queries act on a Requirement with the GUID {7104C13D-841C-4068-B7EE-FB998C5BA4B7} in a model called firebird_model connected by the Cloud.



See also


Query: http://localhost:480/firebird_model/oslc/re/{7104C13D-841C-4068-B7EE-FB998C5BA4B7}/?oslc.prefix=otrm=<http://purl.org/dc/terms/\>& oslc.properties=otrm:title
Retrieves the OSLC property title of the specified Requirement.
Note that the prefix for the namespace http://purl.org/dc/terms/ has been specified as 'otrm' in the query.


Query: http://localhost:480/firebird_model/oslc/re/{7104C13D-841C-4068-B7EE-FB998C5BA4B7}/?oslc.prefix=otrm=<http://purl.org/dc/terms/\>,spx=<https://sparxsystems.com.au/\>& oslc.properties=otrm:title,spx:alias
Retrieves the OSLC properties title and alias of the specified Requirement.
Note that the prefix for the namespace http://purl.org/dc/terms/ has been specified as 'otrm' and that of https://sparxsystems.com.au/ has been specified as 'spx' in the query.


Query: http://localhost:480/firebird_model/oslc/re/{7104C13D-841C-4068-B7EE-FB998C5BA4B7}/?oslc.prefix=otrm=<http://purl.org/dc/terms/\>,spx=<https://sparxsystems.com.au/\>& oslc.properties=otrm:title,sx:alias
Returns an error response as the namespace prefix 'sx' on the property alias is undefined.


  • This facility is available through the Pro Cloud Server, with a valid license

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