前页 | 后页 |
- 找到并双击所需的脚本,然后选择“部署”页面或
- 点击窗口工具栏中的
功能区 |
开发>源代码>执行分析器>编辑分析器脚本 执行 > 工具 >分析器 |
键盘快捷键 |
行动 |
细节 |
也见 |
Execute Command as: |
Process If the deployment is handled externally, enter the path to the program or batch file to run, followed by any parameters; the program is launched in a separate process. Example: C:\apache-ant-1.7.1\bin\ant.cmd myproject deploy Batch File When using this option, you can enter multiple commands that are then executed as a single script in a command console; you have access to any environment variables available in a standard command console. Example: @echo on IF NOT EXIST "%1%" GOTO DEPLOY_NOWAR IF "%APACHE_HOME%" == "" GOTO DEPLOY_NOAPACHE xcopy /L "%1%" "%APACHE_HOME%\webapps" GOTO DEPLOY_END rem rem NO WAR FILE rem :DEPLOY_NOWAR echo "%1% WAR file not found" GOTO DEPLOY_END rem rem NO APACHE ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE rem :DEPLOY_NOAPACHE echo "APACHE_HOME environment variable not found" :DEPLOY_END pause |
解析输出 |
从列表中选择解析器会导致部署脚本的输出被捕获;根据从列表中选择的语法解析输出。 要显示系统输出窗口,请选择“开始>所有窗口>设计>探索>系统”功能区选项。 |