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MailInterface Class

The MailInterface interface can be accessed from the Repository using GetMailInterface(). The returned interface provides access to the Enterprise Architect Model Mail Interface. Use this interface to automate the process of creating and sending messages using Enterprise Architect's Model Mail system.

MailInterface Attributes



See also



Notes: Read Only

Advises whether messaging is enabled on the current model.



Notes: Read Only

Distinguishes objects referenced through a dispatch interface.


MailInterface Methods



See also

ComposeMailMessage(string InitialRecipientGUID, string InitialSubject, messageflag InitialFlag, string InitialMessageText)


Notes: Creates a new mail message using the values specified in the input parameters; the message is displayed in the composition window, ready for sending.

This method does NOT send the message.


  • InitialRecipientGUID: String - Initial value for the GUID of the addressee user (an Enterprise Architect user defined in the current model)
  • InitialSubject: String - Initial value for the Subject text to display for this message
  • InitialFlag: MessageFlag - Initial value for the flag type/color to attach to this message
  • InitialMessageText: String - Initial value for the text that is the body of the message

GetAttributeHyperlink(string AttributeGUID, string LinkText)


Notes: Returns a string containing a hyperlink to the attribute specified by the input parameter AttributeGUID.


  • AttributeGUID: String - The GUID of the attribute for which a hyperlink is required
  • LinkText: String - The text to display for the hyperlink (such as the attribute name)

GetDiagramHyperlink (string DiagramGUID, string LinkText)


Notes: Returns a string containing a hyperlink to the diagram specified by the input parameter DiagramGUID.


  • DiagramGUID: String - The GUID of the diagram for which a hyperlink is required
  • LinkText: String - The text to display for the hyperlink (such as the diagram name)

GetElementHyperlink (string ElementGUID, string LinkText)


Notes: Returns a string containing a hyperlink to the element specified by the input parameter ElementGUID.


  • ElementGUID: String - The GUID of the element for which a hyperlink is required
  • LinkText: String - The text to display for the hyperlink (such as the element name)

GetFileHyperlink (string FilePath, string LinkText)


Notes: Returns a string containing a hyperlink to the file specified by the input parameter FilePath.


  • FilePath: String - The path name of the file for which a hyperlink is required
  • LinkText: String - The text to display for the hyperlink (such as the file name)

GetLastError ()


Notes: Returns the last error message set for the MailInterface.

GetMethodHyperlink (string MethodGUID, string LinkText)


Notes: Returns a string containing a hyperlink to the method specified by the input parameter MethodGUID.


  • MethodGUID: String - The GUID of the method for which a hyperlink is required
  • LinkText: String - The text to display for the hyperlink (such as the method name)

GetPackageHyperlink (string PackageGUID, string LinkText)


Notes: Returns a string containing a hyperlink to the Package specified by the input parameter PackageGUID.


  • PackageGUID: String - The GUID of the Package for which a hyperlink is required
  • LinkText: String - The text to display for the hyperlink (such as the Package name)

GetRecipientGUID (string UserName)


Notes: Returns the GUID of the specified Enterprise Architect user.


  • UserName: String - The name of a user defined in the current model

GetWebHyperlink (string URL, string LinkText)


Notes: Returns a string containing a hyperlink to the URL specified by the input parameter URL.


  • URL: String - The URL of the item for which a hyperlink is required
  • LinkText: String - The text to display for the hyperlink

SendMailMessage (string RecipientGUID, string Subject, messageflag Flag, string MessageText)


Notes: Creates and sends a new mail message using the values specified in the input parameters.


  • RecipientGUID: String - The GUID of the addressee user (an Enterprise Architect user defined in the current model)
  • Subject: String - The Subject text to display for this message
  • Flag: MessageFlag - The flag type/color to attach to this message
  • MessageText: String - The text that is the body of the message