
请注意 : 本帮助页面不适用于最新版本的Enterprise Architect. 最新的帮助文档在这里.

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When a user directly enters into the 'License Management' dialog a license key that doesn't match a Sparx Systems key, EA_AddInLicenseValidate is broadcast to all Enterprise Architect Add-Ins, providing them with a chance to use the Add-In key to determine the level of functionality to provide. When a key is retrieved from the Sparx Systems Keystore only the target Add-In will be called with the key.

For the Add-In to validate itself against this key, the Add-In's EA_AddinLicenseValidate handler should return confirmation that the license has been validated. As the EA_AddinLicenseValidate event is broadcast to all Add-Ins, one license can validate many Add-Ins.

If an Add-In elects to handle a license key by returning a confirmation to EA_AddinLicenseValidate, it is called upon to provide a description of the license key through the EA_AddinLicenseGetDescription event. If more than one Add-In elects to handle a license key, the first Add-In that returns a confirmation to EA_AddinLicenseValidate is queried for the license key description.


Function EA_AddInLicenseValidate (Repository As EA.Repository, AddinKey As String) As Boolean



See also



Direction: IN

Description: An EA.Repository object representing the currently open Enterprise Architect model. Poll its members to retrieve model data and user interface status information.

Repository Class



Direction: IN

Description: The Add-In license key that has been entered in the 'License Management' dialog.

Return Value

Returns True if the license key is validated for the current Add-In. Returns False otherwise.

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