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Define Menu Items

Menu items are defined by responding to the GetMenuItems event.
The first time this event is called, MenuName is an empty string, representing the top-level menu. For a simple Add-In with just a single menu option you can return a string.
     Function EA_GetMenuItems(Repository as EA.Repository, MenuLocation As String, MenuName As String) As Variant
           EA_GetMenuItems = "&Joe's Add-In"
     End Function

Define Sub-Menus

To define sub-menus, prefix a parent menu with a dash. Parent and sub-items are defined in this way:
Function EA_GetMenuItems(Repository as EA.Repository, MenuLocation As String, MenuName As String) As Variant
      Select Case MenuName
      Case ""
            'Parent Menu Item
            EA_GetMenuItems = "-&Joe's Add-In"
      Case "-&Joe's Add-In"
            'Define Sub-Menu Items using the Array notation.
            'In this example, "Diagram" and "Treeview" compose the "Joe's Add-In" sub-menu.
            EA_GetMenuItems = Array("&Diagram", "&Treeview")
      Case Else
            MsgBox "Invalid Menu", vbCritical
      End Select
End Function

Define Further Sub-Menus

Similarly, you can define further sub-items:
Function EA_GetMenuItems(Repository as EA.Repository, MenuLocation As String, MenuName As String) As Variant
      Select Case MenuName
      Case ""
            EA_GetMenuItems = "-Joe's Add-In"
      Case "-Joe's Add-In"
            EA_GetMenuItems = Array("-&Diagram", "&TreeView")
      Case "-&Diagram"
            EA_GetMenuItems = "&Properties"
      Case Else
            MsgBox "Invalid Menu", vbCritical
      End Select
End Function

Enable/Disable menu options

To enable or disable menu options by default, you can use this method to show particular items to the user:
Sub EA_GetMenuState(Repository As EA.Repository, Location As String, MenuName As String, ItemName As String, IsEnabled As Boolean, IsChecked As Boolean)
      Select Case Location
      Case "TreeView"
            'Always enable
      Case "Diagram"
            'Always enable
      Case "MainMenu"
            Select Case ItemName
            Case "&Translate", "Save &Project"
                  If GetIsProjectSelected() Then
                        IsEnabled = False
                  End If
            End Select
      End Select
      IsChecked = GetIsCurrentSelection()
End Sub