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A Solver is best created once at the start of a simulation. This allows it to be used throughout the simulation without regularly incurring the construction time. This is also a good time to load any required modules, define functions and define an initial state for the model.

In a State Machine simulation, good places to perform this initialization are in the Effect for the Transition leading from the Initial State or the Entry for a State that is not re-entered during simulation.

In an Activity simulation, you will need to add it to the Effect for an Action.


As a simulation progresses you can use any of the effect fields to update parameters of the mathematical model. That may consist of updating rates or changing between algorithms. In a State Machine simulation:

  • A Transition Effect can be used when the change is needed for a particular flow
  • A State Entry can be used to ensure the behavior is changed while the simulation is in a state regardless of how it gets there. This includes any nested states.
  • A State Exit can be used to ensure the behavior is changed any time the simulation leaves a state regardless of how it leaves.
  • A State Do Activity behaves similar to an entry action.

In an Activity simulation there are only Action Effects.


With a Transition guard call solver.get(). You can also call solver.exec() to call a function with no side effects.
