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User Interface Rules

User Interface Behavior Events


See also

EARules_AllowNesting is called to determine if creating a visual nesting of two elements on a diagram results in setting the ownership in the browser. EARules_AllowNesting
EARules_AppendChildDiagrams is called to build the context menu for adding child diagrams to an element. EARules_AppendChildDiagrams
EARules_AppendChildElements is called to build the context menu for adding child elements to an element. EARules_AppendChildElements
EARules_CanOverrideStereotype is called to determine if the stereotype on a Type is assigned to a property when assigning the type. EARules_CanOverrideStereotype
EARules_CanProxy is called to determine if this element can be represented by another element. EARules_CanProxy
EARules_CanReparent is called to determine if visually nesting on a diagram is intended to update ownership in the Browser. EARules_CanReparent
EARules_CreateModel is called to allow creation of a wrapping element during creation of a diagram. EARules_CreateModel
EARules_EnableElementProperty is called to determine if a particular property in the docked Properties window should allow edits for this element. EARules_EnableElementProperty
EARules_ForceLength is used to allow particular diagrams to require elements determined by EARules_IsAdjustable to have their length fixed to the size of the diagram. EARules_ForceLength
EARules_AppendChildDiagrams is called to override a request for a UML diagram when the context specifies a different language is being used. EARules_GetEquivalentDiagram
EARules_IsAdjustable is called to determine which elements can have their length automatically adjusted on diagrams where EARules_ForceLength has allowed the operation. EARules_IsAdjustable
EARules_PropagateStereotype is called to determine if a classifier stereotype can be applied to an instance using that classifier. EARules_PropagateStereotype
EARules_ShowElementProperty is called to determine if a particular property in the docked Properties window should be displayed for this element. EARules_ShowElementProperty
EARules_ShowFrame is called to automatically insert the parent of the diagram as a frame. EARules_ShowFrame
EARules_ShowParentFrame is called to automatically insert the parent of the diagram as a frame. EARules_ShowParentFrame